3rd Annual Souper Bowl! (To Benefit the Point Defiance~Ruston Senior Center)

Philanthropy’s goal for the third annual event to benefit low-income local seniors with care packages (which include three cans of soup, crackers, and Valentine’s Day candy) is a little more ambitious than previous years. Last year, our goal was 45 Souper Bowl care packages, and we were able to provide 50!
This year, our goal was 75, and as of February 1st we MET that goal! Which means any additional donations will simply increase the number of care packages we will be able to provide.
“Donation bins were set out in the Bistro, the Lilian Pratt lobby, the Care Center lobby, and the Garden Apartments lobby,” comments FTJ Director of Philanthropy, Shelley Harris, “and it was so amazing to see residents and team members filling these bins each week during January. FTJ has the most loving, giving team members and residents! We truly appreciate their big hearts and generosity.”
The Senior Center will start their distribution of the care packages on Wednesday, February 8th! Thank you so much to all the amazing staff and residents who continue to make every day meaningful, not just for Franke Tobey Jones, but for our local senior community as well!