COVID-19 Update

As we continue with our COVID restrictions, we find our residents coping as well as can be expected. Some are out riding their bicycles around our beautiful campus blooming with springtime flowers or flying kites on our expansive front lawn or playing musical instruments out in the sunshine all while wearing masks and social distancing. Others are reading quietly in their apartments, taking walks around campus and FaceTiming/Skyping, etc. with family and friends. Of course, it’s not ideal, but life goes on with this new normal as we remain well and healthy.
As more time passes with these current restrictions in place, we realize our residents are getting restless and want to leave campus. However, we state once again that we are following Governor Inslee’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” policy. We are encouraging everyone not to leave our campus for any reasons except critical medical appointments. This applies to everyone living in all areas of our campus: independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing and memory care.
We also understand that families want to see their loved ones and vice versa. It is human nature to want to be with our loved ones. We are all feeling it and know that as each day passes it’s more difficult to be apart from those we love. However, we must continue to enforce restricting visitors to Franke Tobey Jones. These unauthorized visits include “window visits,” “talking over the fence visits,” and any other type of casual visits that seem appropriate as far as social distancing is concerned. However, they are not appropriate. Our “no visitors” policy applies to every family member and every resident. No one is an exception except for those providing medical assistance. This “no visitors” policy is not related to the Stay Home, Stay Healthy policy, but are guidelines by the DOH, CMS and CDC with which we are complying for the protection and health of our residents. Deliveries can still come onto campus, but please have family members work through our Personal Concierge team members to get these deliveries to our residents.
Along these lines, if you are a family member coming to our campus to sit in on a virtual doctors visit with your loved one, this is also not allowed. Please make arrangements to join the doctor’s appointment virtually from another location.
We know that Mother’s Day is coming up soon. It’s an important occasion for all families, but, as difficult as this is, we must ask that you completely comply with the no visit rule. We encourage virtual visits, phone calls, flowers being sent, special treats being delivered by grocery stores and cards being mailed. Also, if you have a special Mother’s Day request that we can help you with, please contact your Personal Concierge.
In the coming weeks Washington State may begin re-opening businesses. This does not mean our campus will re-open to visitors in the same timeline. As stated above, the “no visitors” policy is in place due to guidance provided by DOH, CMS and CDC and not the stay at home order. Given the higher risk the virus poses to our residents, we are intentionally planning to continue our aggressive measures to reduce potential exposure to our residents. We will continue to monitor and evaluate how and when to modify these procedures. We are aware of the strain this causes for residents, families and friends, and we share with you the desire to get back into a normal routine. However, our goal is to always ensure everyone’s safety, so we urge you to please continue to follow our policies and procedures.
Again, we genuinely appreciate the support that we have received from our families, residents and team members.
As always, if you have questions, please either call me or Bob Beckham our COO. 253-752-6621. or
Judy Dunn, President & CEO