FTJ Senior University – August Class Sneak Preview

You must RSVP to Jana Wennstrom to attend any Senior University Class. 253-752-6219 or jwennstrom@franketobeyjones.com
Thursday, August 8
What’s News? Session 2 – How the News Media Covers People Aged 55+*
Learn about how the news media covers people aged 55+ (both written and visual) and how the media is changing to more effectively represent 55+ people in the news media–this session also would engage participants in their views about media representation. This program is made possible by a generous donation to Senior University.
3:00 – 4:30 pm, Bristol View 1st Floor Bowditch Room
Friday, August 23
Writing Four Historical Novels—From Imagination to Reality, the Empress Irini Byzantine Series*
Humans are a curious species, and we are most curious about each other—whether it’s truth or gossip. For that reason, historical fiction is enormously popular, even though it’s partly fiction. Most of the bookstores that carry Jan McGiffin’s books have a separate table for historical fiction and it’s right by the door. Next to Young Adult fiction.
Her Empress Irini four-book historical fiction series is set in the Byzantine era. It was published by Scotland Street Press in Edinburgh. The first two books came out together last year; the third was released this March; and the fourth will be released March of next year. Every person in the books is real, with few exceptions. She found them all in the pages of history and what wasn’t in history, she found in her imagination.
This talk will be about writing historical fiction, the joys of research in Oxford, England and New York, the anguish of deciding what facts to use or leave out, how to make the characters accessible to a modern reader without forgetting their place in history, the back-and-forth exchanges with the editor assigned by the publisher, the final copy-reading, finding an illustrator, and arranging the initial book-signings in England. Some of those who attend the class may have written memoirs or other sorts of historical fiction and will want to share their experience.
2:00 pm, MJ Wicks Wellness Center
For a complete class listing click here.