FTJ Team Members Give Big To The Greater Community

FTJ team members not only believe in the Franke Tobey Jones’ not-for-profit mission, but they also whole heartedly believe in giving back to the greater Tacoma community and beyond. In 2010, Franke Tobey Jones started a program called Casual For A Cause. Every Friday, team members can choose to dress casually at work by donating $5.00 (or more) to that month’s cause, and it’s rare that you don’t see team members dressed casually on Fridays!
Each month a new cause is selected with input from team members. FTJ typically supports local causes, and often causes benefiting seniors, but not always. And, typically the cause is local, but regional and national causes have been chosen, mostly in times of disasters. During the last eleven years, over eighty causes have been supported, some more than once such as the Alzheimer’s Association, American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association, Northwest Harvest, Susan G. Komen, Meals on Wheels and more.
“Casual for a Cause means so much more than wearing jeans or a football jersey on any given Friday, comments Linda Koessler, FTJ Human Resources Assistant. “It is the small acts of kindness our employees have shown to those around us in need.
Over the years, other organizations that our team members have supported through Casual For A Cause include: AdoptaPlatoon, Central World Kitchen, Habitat for Humanity, Helping Hands House, Honor Flight Network, Toy Rescue Mission, Humane Society, Japan Relief Efforts, Medic Alert Foundation, Rebuilding Together South Sound, St. Leo Food Bank, Stroke Awareness, Tacoma Rescue Mission, Washington Wild Fires and so many ore.
Starting in 2016, the FTJ Philanthropy Department started matching the employee Casual For A Cause monthly donations. “Casual for a Cause gives all of us an opportunity to support other causes and organizations that are meaningful to our team members and the FTJ mission,” says Shelley Harris, FTJ’s Director of Philanthropy. “The fact that FTJ matches our giving makes our gifts even more impactful!”
“I read somewhere recently that it is not the big things one does that matters; it is the small things done with much LOVE that really makes a difference, says Terry Allman, FTJ Admissions team member.
As we start a new year, and a new cause this month, FTJ team members are already rallying behind dressing casually on Fridays to support organizations in need. We thank our team members for their continual and generous support of not only Franke Tobey Jones, but for so many other causes.