Managing Diabetes During the Holidays

The American Diabetes Association offers the following suggestions for managing a diabetic diet during the holidays.
Think About the Timing of Your Meal
Plan in advance for how you will handle making medication changes if your meal does not line up with your regular meal schedule.
Be Physically Active
The best way to compensate for eating a little more than usual is to be active. Start a new tradition that involves moving around away from the food.
Try Healthier Versions of Your Favorite Holiday Foods and Nibble
Have foods to nibble on while you are cooking or waiting to eat. Make sure the foods you choose won’t sabotage blood glucose levels before the meal. Bring a platter of raw or blanched veggies with your favorite low-calorie dip or have a few small pieces of low-fat cheese.
Be Selective and Eat Smaller Portions
Many traditional Thanksgiving foods are high in carbohydrates. Have a reasonable portion of your favorites and pass on the rest. For example, if stuffing is your favorite, pass on rolls.
Eat Your Vegetables
Non-starchy veggies are low in carbs and calories. They will help fill you up and keep you from overeating other high-calorie and high-fat foods on the table.
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