Point Defiance ~ Ruston Senior Center Welcomes Returning Participants

The Pt. Defiance ~ Ruston Senior Center enjoyed a milestone day with its graduated re-opening on August 2nd! While volunteers implemented new check-in processes to ensure safety for participants, the first Strength and Balance class was held with 14 participants.
An enthusiastic Kate Gray, Director of the Senior Center shared, “ I was so excited that I almost ran to the building. This was a long-awaited day for the community and myself. It is nice to see our Senior Center family active and back home!”
Currently the focus is for participants to get back into physical activity. Classes are limited to groups of 15, and there is an expectation that over time, as attendance grows, additional exercise programs will be available. The current protocol requires all attendees to show proof of vaccination, wear masks and maintain social distancing.. At this time, it is recommended that those who are medically exempt remain at home where they are safest.
“It is so important to exercise,’ said Doris Renna, Senior Center instructor. “It’s great to be back and get healthy again!”
Due to the DELTA variant, only vaccinated individuals may participate until further notice. If you have a medical exemption, it is recommended that you remain at home. Only one class will be permitted in the building at a time.
Graduated Reopening
A graduated process will be used to reopen, not only to ensure that participants are safe, but to allow the volunteers the time needed to adjust to new processes and procedures.
First Two Weeks
Food Rescue, Strength and Balance, and Therapeutic Yoga resumes. The Catholic Community Service meal program will continue as a walkup service until further notice.
Weeks Three and Four
If there are no outbreaks of COVID in the first two weeks, Tap Dance and Senior Dance Movement, will resume.
Weeks Five and Six
If there are no outbreaks of COVID during weeks three and four, Line Dance will resume on Tuesday, September 7, at 3:30 p.m.
Weeks Seven and Later
If there are no outbreaks of COVID during weeks five and six, all games will resume. Dominoes and cards will be in the classroom. There will be no resumption of trips until further notice.
Rollbacks: If, at anytime, someone contracts the virus, the Senior Center schedule will rollback to the previous schedule. If there is a time lapse in the participant notifying the Senior Center, it may become necessary to temporarily close the Center (dependent on Health Department recommendations).
More Information About Reopening
Entering the Building: Masks and social distancing are required. If you enter without a mask, one will be provided. If you are medically exempt, please remain at home due to the DELTA variant. Present your vaccination card, complete a monitoring survey with a “clean” pen/computer stylus and have your temperature taken at the desk. Check into the database with the stylus and place it in the “dirty” cup. FOOD RESCUE participants, please enter and sign in through the back dining room. Only two participants will be allowed in at a time due to social distancing.
Monitoring Surveys: A monitoring survey must be completed each time you enter the building. Participants may choose to take several surveys home, completing and bringing one back upon each return.
Limited Occupancy: Classes will not exceed 15 participants in the main room. The dining room is limited to 24 participants, and the classroom to six (excluding instructors).
Exiting the Building: All morning class participants will exit through the back dining room door to eliminate congestion as people check in.
Infection or Positive Test: If you become ill or test positive for COVID, NOTIFY THE SENIOR CENTER! This is extremely important to prevent spread of the virus.
Exercise Programs: Masks must be worn except during strenuous exercise. It can be removed only during exercise and must be replaced prior to leaving the exercise area.
Exercise Equipment: Participants must use a disinfectant wipe on any equipment that is used during classes. Bring your own Yoga mat. Mats will not be loaned out unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor.
Strength & Balance: Molly Maddock will be instructing M/W/F, and Doris Renna will be instructing T/TH. The first day will determine how many people are returning and whether classes will be divided into two 45 minute classes (due to social distancing).
Coffee Service and Breakfast Pastries: There will be no coffee or pastries available until further notice.
Games: All cards and dominoes will be rotated with a minimum of three days between use. Disposable paper Bingo sheets and daubers will be used. Please bring your own dauber; however, the Center has a few if you forget yours.
Lunches: Lunches will be served out of the back kitchen door until further notice.
For New Senior Center Participants…
The Senior Center will be opening August 2, 2021 on a limited basis then expanding with more programs. If you would like to participate and you’ve never been to the Point Defiance ~ Ruston Senior Center, please download the following three PDFs, fill them out and bring them with you. If you are uncomfortable providing some of the information such as income, please leave those sections blank. The Wellness Release is only necessary if you plan on attending any exercise programs at the Senior Center. We can’t wait to meet you!
Photography Release Form Revised 2015 for Senior Center
Wellness Center Waiver & Release Form
Revised Emergency Contact Form 1.2017 (002)
Volunteers Needed
Several volunteers are needed to relieve front desk volunteers. Training will be provided, but computer experience is required. In addition, we are looking for a Beginning Spanish or Conversational Spanish instructor. If interested, please contact the Director or Assistant at 253-756-0601.