Senior University April Class Highlights

Wednesday, April 5, April 12, & April 19
Ballet Folklórico
An exploration of Mexican culture through movement, music, and costume.
10:00 – 11:30 am, Bristol View 1st Floor Bowditch Room
Friday, April 21
Ancient Disasters and the Legends and Myths They Inspired
Extreme events in nature have always been a part of human life and ancient peoples from the Arctic to the Andes had their own way of explaining such events. Can we learn from them today?
2:00 pm, Bristol View 1st Floor Bowditch Room
Wednesday, April 26
Conspiracy Candidates: Conspiracy Theories and The Candidates who Spread Them
In recent years, candidates for political office have disseminated conspiracies such as Q Anon, the Great Replacement Theory, and a host of theories related to the integrity of the electoral process.
11:00 am, Zoom
To attend you must register with Jana Wennstrom at 253-756-6219 or
Click here for the complete full class calendar.