Senior University December Class Sneak Preview
Friday, December 6
Cozy Quilt Tales– Storytelling by Debbie Dmitri*
A collage of heartfelt stories that illustrate the importance of cross generational sharing and the power of story to connect us, regardless of age, gender or cultural background. This program is made possible by a generous donation to Senior University. You must RSVP to Jana Wennstrom to attend any Senior University Class. 253-752-6219 or
11:00 am, Bristol View 1st Floor Bowditch Room
Wednesday, October 16
The Intrepid Victorian Traveler*
In this five-costume program, Tames Alan presents a look into the clothing and lifestyle of a Victorian woman during the mid-1850s through the early 1860s. She discusses travel through the day, travel through society, and travel in general, which really opened up in the 19th century. This program is made possible by a generous donation to Senior University. You must RSVP to Jana Wennstrom to attend any Senior University Class. 253-752-6219 or
2:00 pm, MJ Wicks Wellness Center
Friday, December 20
Irish Traditional Music for the Holidays*
An hour of fiddle music and conversation highlighting the approach of the holidays with reels, jigs, and hornpipes. Also, some transcribed Celtic harp music played on the open-tuned guitar.
This program is made possible by a generous donation to Senior University.
2:00 pm, MJ Wicks Wellness Center. You must RSVP to Jana Wennstrom to attend any Senior University Class. 253-752-6219 or
For a complete class listing click here: