Senior University June Class Sneak Preview

Thursday, June 6, June 13, & June 20
You must RSVP to Jana Wennstrom to attend any Senior University Class. 253-752-6219 or
Ballet Folklórico*
An exploration of Mexican culture through movement, music, and costume. Even though it is a dance form, folklórico has a very interesting history and is extremely diverse. All states in Mexico have different styles of music, distinct outfits, and steps that culminate into the dances of that region. We will explore those differences throughout the workshop. As opposed to being a dance focused workshop, it would be more of a cultural workshop.
10:00 am, Bristol View 1st Floor Bowditch Room
Thursday, June 6
I Do: Marriage Customs Through the Ages
The simple stealing of women to get a mate eventually evolved into the often-complex rituals of marriage. Walk down the wedding aisle and learn where many of our most-cherished customs originated. Bring a copy of your own wedding portrait to share on a communal viewing table if you wish. This program is made possible by a generous donation to Senior University.
4:00 pm, MJ Wicks Wellness Center
Wednesday, June 12
Nature around Tacoma Series: Native Plant Garden Walk at Point Defiance*
Stroll through the Native Plant Gardens at Pt Defiance Park with Tacoma Nature Center Staff. Identify native plants as we examine different ecosystems found across Washington in this two-acre park and look for wildlife enjoying the native vegetation. This walk will take place on uneven trails.
2:00 pm, Field Trip (Bus leaves the Bistro at 1:45 pm)
Tuesday, June 18
Understanding Dementia*
During this class, we go through the basics of memory loss. Understanding first, dementia is a disease and not a behavioral pattern. Once that is established, we will discuss what causes different types of dementia, best practices to help prevent or slow down the progression of the disease, and how we can relate to someone with memory loss. The class has open Q&A during the session to help create practical discussion for everyone present.
11:00 am, Tobey Jones Parlor
For a complete class listing click here.