Legacy Circle

The Franke Tobey Jones Legacy Circle honors individuals who make bequests or other estate gifts to Franke Tobey Jones. Please consider leaving a legacy to Franke Tobey Jones in your name. Legacy gifts (sometimes referred to as planned gifts) can be made through charitable lead or remainder trusts, annuities, bequests, securities, real estate, art, life insurance and residual interests, and will often provide tax advantages. If you wish to make such a provision in a deferred giving instrument such as a will or trust, please let us know so you can be recognized in our Legacy Circle.
To learn more about planned giving options or to receive sample language to include in your will, please contact Shelley Harris, Director of Philanthropy, at (253) 756-6297 or by email at sharris@franketobeyjones.com. Franke Tobey Jones’ Tax Identification Number is 91-0575957.