City of Tacoma Proclaims May 22, 2024 Franke Tobey Jones Day in Tacoma

In honor of Mrs. Franke Tobey Jones’ birthday and her many contributions to the City of Tacoma, especially the Franke Tobey Jones senior living, Tacoma Mayor Victoria Woodards has declared May 22, 2024 Franke Tobey Jones Day in the City of Tacoma. We would like to thank the City of Tacoma for this great honor! Mayor Woodards will read the FTJ Centennial Proclamation at the Tacoma City Council meeting on May 21st.
Mrs. Franke Tobey Jones was highly regarded in Tacoma for her many philanthropic effort. Not only did she donate the amazing property overlooking Puget Sound and Mt. Rainier, she also gave $150,000 to build the first Franke Tobey Jones building which still stands on this gorgeous piece of property. Furthermore, she had identified herself with the cause of education and it was due to her munificence that the College of Puget Sound received the beautiful building standing upon its campus, called Jones Hall, in memory of her husband who had preceded her to the beyond.
On January 14, 1925 Mrs. Jones said “I thought when we stood on that beautiful spot overlooking the Sound and with the glories of the sunset all about us, that here the tired old people whose work was nearly finished would find rest and joy, and it looked with all that beauty about them, as if it would be only a step to the better country. Then I thought that the Jones Hall at the college would take the young folks, just when they were starting out for their life’s work, and get them ready to serve – train them, educate them, inspire them and help them to make the right kind of men and women. Then I would have a place for them at the end, when their work was done, just to rest awhile in the glory of the sunset.”
Mrs. Jones Passes April 27, 1931
Upon Mrs. Jones passing, the Tacoma Daily Leger ran this story on April 27, 1931. “’A citizen outstanding for her services to the city as having rendered distinguished service to the community and set an example of citizenship which, if followed by others, would make Tacoma a better place.’” That is what the Tacoma Chamber of Commerce said of Mrs. Franke Tobey Jones in paying honor to one of Tacoma’s most useful citizens, outstanding in community service. Mrs. Jones was clearly entitled to all the honors the commercial organization could pay her, and because of her generosity, her devotion to the good of humanity and her civic pride, she had placed herself among those who had gained the respect, the affection and the admiration of the entire community.”
Mrs. Jones Estate
Franke left an estate of $924,250 and no provision was made in her will for further bequest for the Franke Tobey Jones Home or to the University of Puget Sound. Some of the benefactors of her estate were YMCAs in Hoquiam and Tacoma, Salvation Army Tacoma, Volunteers of America Tacoma, Children’s Day Nursery Tacoma, Children’s Industrial Home Tacoma, and several churches in Tacoma, Michigan and New York, and several more local organizations.