First Annual FTJ Employee Scholarship Luncheon

The Employee Scholarship Committee comprised of six FTJ residents, and nine FTJ team member scholarship recipients came together for lunch in January, an opportunity to meet and greet one another, and update everyone on career goals and achievements.
“Class of 2023” scholarship recipients included (back row) Diana Sharon, Tyler Kaye, Hannah Gitonga, Ashlyn Bacon, Heidi White, Vivienne Campbell, Skip Gibson, (front row) Sarah Doerner, and Patricia Moore.
Ashlyn Bacon, recipient of three scholarships, recently finished the PLU School of Nursing and will be taking her board exams. Hannah Gitonga has one more semester of her nursing degree from the University of Washington, and Tyler Kaye is starting his internship for a degree in Vision Rehabilitation Therapy. Patricia Moore, along with colleagues Heidi White and Vivienne Campbell received funding for a Positive Approach to Dementia training. Diana Sharon used her scholarship for a National Certification for Activity Professionals and Sarah Doerner just finished a Leadership Principles course from Harvard Business School online.
Patricia commented, “I was so surprised and pleased to receive a scholarship for a course that I did not know was available. I am excited and honored to start this professional journey!”
Skip renewed his boiler license and said, “It was a great opportunity to review and learn new things,” and Sarah Doerner added, “I am so grateful to the Scholarship Committee for allowing me to take this difficult and challenging course. I learned so much!”
We thank the Committee – Chair Jack Falskow, Shelby Clayson, Nancy Cook, Phyllis Gill, Lynn Brown, and Al Watters for their leadership and dedicated efforts in assisting FTJ employees in their learning pursuits and congratulations to all the recipients for their accomplishments!