FTJ Senior University December Class Highlights

Monday, December 4
By a Lady: A Look at Jane Austen’s World*
Tames gives an engaging description of what it was like to be alive during the time Jane Austen wrote her books. In the first half of this program, Tames Alan appears in an authentic Regency dress that any of Jane Austen’s characters would have worn during the day. Changing into an evening dress that would be appropriate for a ball or assembly dance, Tames describes each piece of clothing, including undergarments, fabrics, and hair and makeup, which marked a transition between the 18th century and the Victorian era. This program is made possible by a generous donation to Senior University.
3:00 pm, MJ Wicks Wellness Center
Friday, December 8
The Mercury 13: America’s Woman in Space Program
Join Museum of Flight Docent, Jon Fehrenbach, to hear the story of a group of space pioneers who never got the chance to experience space flight but whose persistence and determination paved the way for future generations.
10:00 am, Bristol View 1st Floor Bowditch Room
Tuesday, December 12
Arcobaleno Strings Holiday Performance*
Join Arcobaleno Strings, a string quartet, for this holiday performance where we will hear traditional Christmas music along with some interesting facts about the songs and composers. This program is made possible by a generous donation to Senior University.
3:00 pm, MJ Wicks Wellness Center