FTJ Senior University – September Class Sneak Preview

You must RSVP to Jana Wennstrom to attend any Senior University Class. 253-752-6219 or jwennstrom@franketobeyjones.com
Friday, September 13
“Minko” Imoshitiik Tales– Storytelling by Debbie Dmitri*
The heroic stories of three Native American women. The stories of Pocahontas, Sacagawea and the daughter of Tribal Leader, Chief Sealth. This program is made possible by a generous donation to Senior University.
2:00 pm, MJ Wicks Wellness Center
Tuesday, September 17
Living Agelessly is Liberating: How to Live a Life of Purpose!*
Madonna B. Hanna, retired fashion marketing instructor, will share her extraordinary, unexpected journey as a competitive, amateur sprinter. Her journey started at age 57, she had no prior track and field experience. Imagine at the sensational age of 70, Madonna won her first National Senior Games Gold Medal, scored an athletic sponsorship, and auditioned for her first musical, landing the role of Mrs. Claus! Madonna will also share practical steps for pursuing aspirations and achieving goals.
Madonna’s motto: Living Life Agelessly is Liberating and it’s never too late to soar for more because anything is possible!
2:00 pm, MJ Wicks Wellness Center
Tuesday, September 24
Hate Speech in the United States: Defining Hate Speech*
Hate speech is a messy, highly contested concept used in political theory, legal theory, legal documents, and in simple common usage with its meaning changing depending on the context of who is using it and to what ends. Additionally, the term itself is often conflated or confused with other concepts such as hateful speech, racist speech, or harmful speech. Defining the concept of ‘hate speech’ concretely, then, is a difficult task requiring a clear understanding of the context and purpose at the outset. This session addresses the various ways in which the term “hate speech” has been defined and operationalized.
2:00 pm, Bristol View 1st Floor Bowditch Room
Thursday, September 26
Pretty Gritty Tacoma Lectures: Tacoma, A City of Trains*
Tacoma became famous and powerful when it was selected to become the grand terminus of the Northern Pacific Railroad. What lasting legacy has this left for us as the City of Destiny? Join us as we examine the timeline of trains in Washington’s greatest train city. We are proud to offer this class in celebration of the Franke Tobey Jones Centennial this year.
3:00 pm, Bristol View 1st Floor Bowditch Room
For a complete class listing click here: