Meet Franchesca “Frankie” Thomas ~ Philanthropy Coordinator
Philanthropy is pleased to introduce our new Philanthropy Coordinator, Franchesca “Frankie” Thomas. A transplant from sunny California, and originally an immigrant from the United Kingdom, Frankie is used to big moves, and is excited for this move into her new role with Franke Tobey Jones. With an undergraduate degree in Sociology and Nonprofit Management, and her recent Thesis Approval from Graduate School, receiving her Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, Frankie is excited to apply her unique skills and perspective to this wonderful CBO (Community Benefit Organization).
When Frankie isn’t here on campus, she is either working at her second job at a Physical Therapy clinic or editing her debut sci-fi/mystery novel set in the Pacific Northwest. Frankie loves animals, and had she not fallen in love with Sociology in community college, she would have pursued Zoology. If you see her on campus, please introduce yourself! Or stop by the Philanthropy office (this applies to your pets too!) and say, “Hi.”