Fitness Trainers Available at FTJ
Aside from our outstanding fitness center and fitness classes, if you are part of our fitness program (which is open to non-FTJ residents age 55 or better at a nominal monthly cost), we also just opened up our personal training appointments. However, they are going fast! If you want to work on strength, endurance, weight loss, balance or any other fitness component in a one-on-one setting, please call or come in to see Colin. (253) 752-3241.
Why have a personal trainer?
It’s Educational
One of the primary reasons that someone should have a Personal Trainer is that they are trained in teaching others how to exercise. And while exercise in itself is only a part of fitness, with nutrition and lifestyle playing an essential role in the overall picture, if you don’t get exercise right, then you will never achieve your goals.
The importance of education when exercising is important for two primary reasons:
- If you don’t know which exercises are most effective for the goals you have, you are unlikely to achieve those goals. For example, if your goal is to build core strength but you spend all your time on cardio exercises, then you are unlikely to hit your goal.
- Education when performing exercises is essential in reducing the risk of injury. Many people every year are seriously injured by performing exercises they have not received training for, and this can impact their health and fitness for a long time. Having someone trained in how to execute certain tasks will greatly reduce the level of risk and increase the effectiveness of your fitness routine.
They help Perfect Form
Having a Personal Trainer beside you to demonstrate the correct posture and technique is invaluable. A Personal Trainer will ensure clients are performing exercises correctly and efficiently, in order to maximize results. If your form when exercising is not correct, then you are at increased risk of injury as well as not achieving your goals.
They Can Help you with Your Unique Requirements
Everybody is different, and that means everyone’s abilities and requirements are different when it comes to exercise. This could be anything from having an old injury that requires special exercises to having a phobia that may impact on where or how you work out.
For example, if you have an old knee injury that required surgery, but since then you haven’t done anything to rebuild the muscles or improve mobility, then you are going to need different exercises and goals than an athlete who is training to run a marathon. This is where a Personal Trainers experience can make a huge difference to your training program.
They help you set realistic goals
Everyone wants to achieve their goals straight away, whether they are weight loss, balance, stability or strength. A Personal Trainer will not only help you set realistic goals that you will be able to achieve – if you put in the effort, of course – but they will also be able to keep you on track to hit those goals.
They hold you accountable
How many times have you gone to bed and said to yourself, ‘Tomorrow I’m going to wake up and go to the gym,” and then woken up and decided to sleep for another hour instead of exercising? This is where a Personal Trainer is critical to ensuring that you commit and stick to your fitness goals. If you’ve made an appointment to meet your trainer for a session, then you are far more likely to still go than if you are just telling yourself you should go to the gym.
It’s Just Not Fitness They Can Help You With
When obtaining a Fitness Certificate or Degree, their education must also consist of learning about nutrition and how it can affect fitness. By choosing a Personal Trainer who has undergone specific nutrition education, you know that they will be providing the right nutritional advice to achieve your goals.
They Improve Your Mental Health
It has long been known that physical exercise can help with mental health issues such as depression, and that it is a recommended part of treatment by many medical health professionals. Having a Personal Trainer to help with your exercise plan when you suffer from mental health problems can help with motivation, with choosing the right exercises to release the most endorphins, and also just to have another shoulder to lean on.
They Help You Form Good Habits
It can take weeks to form good habits, and even longer to break bad ones – and trying to do it on your own is hard work. Having a Personal Trainer is like having a good angel on your shoulder encouraging you in the right direction. They can help to argue with the bad angel in your head, and keep you on track to achieve your fitness goals.
Personal Training Plan
A Personal Trainer will be able to tailor your training plan to suit you and what you enjoy, as well as encourage you to do the exercises that are best to achieve your goals. As well as this, there are always going to be some days when the last thing you feel like doing is a workout, and so having a Personal Trainer means that they can tailor your exercise for that day to both accommodate your mood while still making the session helpful.
They Challenge You
Are you getting bored with your fitness routine? Have you progressed beyond the exercises you know and have plateaued in your fitness? A Personal Trainer is what you need to take you to the next level, and continuously challenge your abilities. A Personal Trainer is your life coach, nutrition guide and encourager all in one, and without them your fitness goals are that much harder to achieve. So what are you waiting for? Find a professional Personal Trainer today to help achieve your fitness goals.
(Taken from The Fitness Zone)