May The Force Be With You!

What do Star Wars creator George Lucas, Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps and diesel mechanic and AgeSTRONG to Home client Doug Hinkle have in common?
They’ve all experienced The Force –– the back-to-life breakthroughs that come from working with an occupational therapist after a physical or mental set-back.
What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational therapy is a medical profession – based on research and evidence – that helps people of all ages get back to performing their daily activities, despite temporary or long term mental, physical or cognitive challenges. Life-disruptions like hospital stays, strokes, falls, memory loss, injuries or emotional distress, often make us lose the skills we need to do the things we love and those that keep us independent and strong: personal hygiene care, safely moving about our homes, enjoying our favorite hobbies, continuing to drive our cars, effectively communicating or safely managing medications.
Occupational therapists help us regain our life skills.
What Matters Most to You?
After his stroke and lengthy hospital stay, Doug moved to Marquis Newberg where he began post-acute rehabilitation with occupational therapist, Michelle Wood. True to our therapists’ mission, Michelle asked Doug, “what matters most to you?”
Mission accomplished when Michelle’s OT strategies not only enabled Doug to move back home, but back to his shop where he’s taking on small projects for customers. And because AgeSTRONG therapists can follow clients from their rehab facilities and back to their homes, Doug is continuing his OT in the comfort of his house and shop –– what matters most to him!
3 Tips to Aging Strong With Occupational Therapy
As part of April’s Occupational Therapy Month and this year’s theme, “Bring Possibilities Back to Life” we’re sharing three ways you can experience the rehabilitative force of OT. These tips come from Lori Taylor, OTR/L, MBA, one of Consonus Rehab’s highly educated and experienced occupational therapists and the President of the Occupational Therapy Association of Oregon.
“Occupational therapists are problem solvers!” says Lori. “We love partnering with seniors to help them successfully age in place and, despite a setback, continue doing what they love most. Here are three ways you can succeed.”
Tip #1 Be Transparent Regarding What Matters Most To You
Tip #2 Stay Open to the Possibilities
Tip #3 Commit to the Program
And may the OT Force be with you!