
PLU Nursing Students Intern at FTJ

PLU Nursing Students

The Pacific Lutheran University (PLU) School of Nursing recently had several students at FTJ for some practical, hands-on learning. The students were here one day a week (10 hour days) for five weeks, in two separate groups, one on Thursday and one on Friday. While they were here, they worked with both the FTJ CNA’s and the FTJ nurses learning the basic skills required at the bedside. This was their first clinical rotation in the program.  They helped with feeding, transferring residents, dressing them, observing medication administration and dressing changes. One of the most important things they experienced was interacting with residents/staff and starting to assess from a nurse’s viewpoint.

“Some of the highlights for me as their instructor have been the connections they have made with so many of the residents,” says Laurie Armatas, PLU Nursing Instructor.  “I have watched them sing, dance, laugh, share life stories and even speak to some in their native language all while learning the skills they are expected to take away from this practical experience. I watched their confidence and competence increase during this hands-on time.  They really enjoyed their time at FTJ and are so appreciative of the welcoming behaviors of both the staff and the residents.”

We are always delighted to welcome nursing interns at FTJ,” comments Sheila McDonough, FTJ Director of Clinical Services. “It’s wonderful to see the new fresh faces with their enthusiasm interacting with our seasoned clinical staff who also love working here. Our clinical team enjoys passing on their knowledge and experiences in this training process.  It’s really a win-win for everyone.”

“Thank you to the PLU nursing school for bringing their students to FTJ.  We look forward to it every year!


Front Row , left to right- Kathy Huynh,Gisel Perez-Pacheco,Noor Almayahi,Nancy Beltran-Molina

Back Row, left to right – Tabitha Campos, Melina Diaz, Lauren Anderson, Cyan Rose, Laurie Armatas (instructor)

Categories: General